Ticket Scams and Counterfeits
Have you ever been the victim of a ticket scam? Or perhaps you have been taken advantage of with last minute scalping sales before a big event like the Super Bowl?
Each year, there are reports of people being taken advantage of and scammed out of a great deal of money when it comes to purchasing tickets for big events. Take this woman, for example; she purchased tickets online from a dealer she believed to be valid, and after paying $5900, she just received a note in the mail saying “ENJOY THE GAME!!!! GOO RAVENS!!! LOL”.
Or maybe you heard this story: a woman and her fiance gave $2200 to a scalper in exchange for tickets to Super Bowl XLVI, only to find out that the tickets were fraudulent. Law enforcement later reported that over 200 people were turned away from the big game last year because they had counterfeit tickets.
How can you avoid being taken advantage of and throwing your money away on something you won’t get to enjoy? Purchase your Super Bowl tickets through a reputable dealer, not through an auction site like eBay, or through a sale site like Craigslist. There are too many ways for scammers to make large quantities of money through sites like these, without ever having to face the consequences of their actions. Whatever you do, don’t wait until the last minute, then spend an exorbitant amount of money on scalped tickets, only to find out they won’t even get you in the gate.
Call Bullseye Events Group today, and let us show you what we have to offer. We have tickets for all of the major events you want to attend, including the upcoming Super Bowl. We also offer travel packages that can take care of all your travel worries, and end up saving you a ton of money on your overall expenses!
Don’t get scammed on something this important! Contact Bullseye Event Group, a dealer you can trust.