The Super Bowl is watched by almost 1/3 of America. It’s safe to say, it’s huge. But it wasn’t always that way. Here are a few stats that show how much the game has changed on, and off the field since the first game way back in 1967.

  • 1967-The Green Bay Packers played the Kansas City Chief
  • 1967- Packers players received a $15,000 bonus for winning the Super Bowl
  • 1967- A commercial sold for around $45,000 during the game
  • 1967- NFL jerseys only had numbers and logos on them
  • 1967- The Big Game was called the World Championship Game
  • 1967- 61,946 were in the stadium for the first game (a non-sell out crowd)
  • 2015- We can only predict who will be in this season’s Super Bowl
  • 2015- Seahawks received $97,000 for winning the game
  • 2015-Each commercial cost around $4.5 million
  • 2015- Players wear names on back of jerseys and NFL merchandise made $2.1 billion
  • 2015- For the first time, the Super Bowl won’t have Roman Numerals
  • 2015 – 70,288 people attended the Big Game in the stadium

If those statistics aren’t enough, here’s some stats on all the food we eat at all those tailgate parties.

  • According to the Snack Food Administration, Americans will eat 11 million pounds of chips on Super Bowl Sunday
  • More than half of Americans plan to eat pizza.
  • 2 million cases of beer will be sold (or around 385 gallons)
  • We’ll also eat more than 80 million pounds of avocados