Super Bowl Tickets

That’s the magic word or ‘Open Sesame’ for America’s most popular event. You can try the lottery, but it also makes sense to have a plan B. A large slice of the ticket pie goes to sponsors, so you could try to network your way to a pair. The biggest portion of course belongs to the competing teams, but that’s something you’ll know only close to the event. So what else to do? Try a reputable event management firm, who usually get their hands on a fair share of tickets. The stress is on ‘reputable’, because you don’t want to be left high and dry at the last moment.

Super Bowl Parties

There’s nothing like a true Super Bowl party on a day when almost everyone in America lets their hair down. So what makes a ‘true’ Super Bowl party? One is location – get close to the action, even if you don’t have tickets. Check out the Super Bowl Boulevard. The atmosphere is magical. The fans are in high-octane mode. The celebrations are intense. And even the banter is more charged up. The best parties have celebs, great food and awesome music. But, remember to book well in advance. The top Super Bowl parties usually sell out in a jiffy.

Super Bowl Tailgate Parties

While Tailgate parties traditionally referred to those held from the back of a car, today’s events are a lot more sophisticated. Plush, air-conditioned comfort, big screens and well stocked bars are the norm. So what makes one tailgate party stand out over another? A celeb, ideally someone associated with NFL. Better still? An ex-player!  But how can you be sure of picking the right party a year in advance? You can bet that neither the itinerary nor the menu will be fixed.  One tip is to check out previous parties held by the organizers. Did it rock? Was the menu mouthwatering? Who were the celebs? Where was it held? Get the answer to these questions, and you’ll know which party to hop to in 2014.


This is a critical, yet often neglected part of Super Bowl plans. And in this case, there’s no such thing as planning too much in advance. Getting a room near the stadium is very handy, but most of the top hotels will already be sold out. In case you can’t get a room of your choice, you could check with Super Bowl Event firms. They usually buy out rooms in bulk.

Of course, the best option is to get a Super Bowl ticket package that includes all or most of the above. Not only will you save money, you’ll also avoid a lot of hassle. At Bulls Eye Event Group, we offer a host of options to choose from. We’ll ensure you’re in the right place at the right time. After all, we’ve been doing it for years.

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